Employee wellbeing
March 8, 2023

Breaking the Glass Ceiling: The Reality of the Gender Pay Gap in 2023

The gender pay gap is a persistent issue that continues to affect women in the workforce. Women are often paid less than men for the same job, which can have significant consequences for their financial security and career growth. At Salarify we are taking the stand when it comes to equality and support each and every colleague the same way. As we celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, it's important to take stock of where we stand and recommit ourselves to achieving gender pay equity.

Understanding The Gender Pay Gap in 2023

Despite efforts to narrow the gender pay gap in the EU, it remains a significant issue. According to a recent Eurostat survey, there is still a significant difference between average gross hourly earnings for women and men. Although progress has been made, many countries are still performing below the overall average, while others have made significant strides towards closing the gap. In fact, for the first time, one European country - Luxemburg - has virtually closed the gap.

According to Bloomberg calculations and Eurostat figures, at the current rate of progress, men and women in the European Union won't be paid the same on average until around 2086.

As of the end of 2021 - the latest data to be found -, the average gap between men and women's gross hourly earnings in the EU was 12.7%, which only narrowed 0.2 percentage points from the year before. Last year, 12 countries marked November 15th as Equal Pay Day, symbolizing the date from which women would "work for free" until the rest of the year compared to their male counterparts. This is a shocking reality that demands our attention and action. (Bloomberg, 2023)

The Effects of the Gender Pay Gap

When women are consistently paid less than men for the same work, it not only perpetuates gender inequality but also creates a cycle of financial insecurity and limited career growth. Lower pay means less money for basic necessities such as housing, food, and healthcare. In addition, women who earn less may also struggle to save for retirement, making it harder for them to achieve financial independence later in life.

And don’t forget to mention the barriers women face in career growth and opportunities. Women may be passed over for promotions and leadership roles due to their gender which has personal effects but also has a broader impact on society as a whole. When women are not given the same opportunities as men, it can lead to a talent drain and stifle innovation and progress.

In essence, the gender pay gap is robbing women of their fair share of the economic pie, and that's a problem we can't afford to ignore.

Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Strategies for Addressing the Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap has been a persistent issue in Europe, but change may be on the horizon. A recent political agreement between the European Parliament and Council has paved the way for new rules aimed at promoting pay transparency and closing the gap.

The Directive on pay transparency measures includes a range of provisions designed to promote equality, including pay transparency for job-seekers, the right to information for employees, and reporting on the gender pay gap.

Employers will be required to publish information on the pay gap between female and male workers, with larger companies reporting annually and smaller ones every three years. In addition, if pay reporting reveals a gender pay gap of at least 5%, employers will have to carry out a pay assessment (European Commission, 2022).

The Directive also aims to improve access to justice for victims of pay discrimination, including compensation for workers who have suffered gender pay discrimination. Sanctions will include fines, and equality bodies and workers' representatives may act on behalf of workers in legal or administrative proceedings. The new rules are a crucial step toward promoting gender equality and creating a fair and more just society in Europe (European Commission, 2022).

The Role of Employers in Closing the Gender Pay Gap

Employers have a crucial role to play in closing the gender pay gap. While there are many factors that contribute to the gap, including systemic issues and societal attitudes towards gender, employers have the power to make changes within their organizations to promote gender equality.

One of the key actions is ensuring equality by conducting regular pay audits to identify any gender pay disparities and taking action to address them. Employers can also ensure that they have clear and transparent pay structures in place, with objective criteria for determining pay levels and promotions.

Companies can also work to eliminate bias in hiring and promotion processes, by implementing blind recruitment and promotion practices. Promoting diversity and inclusion at all levels is also a must in order to create a safe and respectful workplace.

In addition, employers can also advocate for policies and initiatives that support gender equality, such as parental leave, affordable childcare, and equal pay laws. By taking a proactive and holistic approach aiming at gender equality, you as an employer can play a vital role in closing the gender pay gap.

Take Action Now, So Equality Will Come Before 2086

In 2023, we are still grappling with the reality of the gender pay gap, but change is within reach. The EU is taking action with new rules aimed at promoting pay transparency and closing the gap, and employers have a crucial role to play in ensuring gender equality. As we celebrate International Women's Day, let's recommit ourselves to achieving gender pay equity and work together to break the glass ceiling.





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